"Day in, day out, A+ Computers strives to make itself the best. They are highly effective
as our computing partner and we highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for quality cost-effective solutions."
A+ Computers is committed to name-brand solutions. We partner with many well-known brand-named
manufacturers including: Intel, Microsoft, Acer, Axiium, Hewlett Packard/Compaq, Panasonic, Asus, Logitech and DLink.
We continue to add new solutions to meet our customers' ever-changing needs and consult with knowledgeable professionals in
the areas of sales, service, support and training.
When purchasing or upgrading a system, A+ Computers Inc. does not recommend going with the minimum requirements and
yet not going for the top of the line. This way you avoid needing upgrades too soon, avoid spending dollars needlessly
and still allows your hardware to last a considerable time into the future. Our theory for support is the same and we
recommend balancing preventative long-term benefits with short term cost savings. As technology changes, you need to
stay current and make appropriate upgrades.